
Conditions générales d’utilisation

Conditions générales d’utilisation

Article 1. Applicability

1.1 All offers, orders and agreements of Rush to Mecca B.V. shall be subject to these General Terms and Conditions of Sale to the exclusion of any other general terms and conditions.

1.2 Accepting an offer or placing an order implies that you accept the applicability of these Terms and Conditions.

1.3 The provisions of these Terms and Conditions may only be deviated from in writing, in which case the other provisions shall remain in full force.

1.4 All rights and claims, as stipulated in these Terms and Conditions and in any further agreements for Rush to Mecca B.V., are also stipulated for the benefit of intermediaries and other third parties engaged by Rush to Mecca B.V..

Article 2. Offers/agreements

2.1 All offers made by Rush to Mecca B.V. are without obligation and

Rush to Mecca B.V. expressly reserves the right to change prices, in particular when this is necessary on the basis of (legal) regulations. See also article 3.6.

2.2 An agreement is only concluded after acceptance of your order by

Rush to Mecca B.V. is entitled to refuse orders or to attach certain conditions to the delivery, unless explicitly stated otherwise. If an order is not accepted, Rush to Mecca B.V. will inform you within ten (10) working days of receiving the order.

Article 3. Prices and payments

3.1 During checkout you will see the actual shipping costs, which take precedence over what is mentioned below:

The Netherlands
Shipping of orders to the Netherlands are over € 75,- free.
When sending orders below this amount, the shipping costs are €6,75.

Shipment of orders to Belgium are above € 100,- free of charge.
When sending orders below this amount, the shipping costs are €9,50.

Shipping of orders to Germany are above € 150,- free of charge.
When sending orders below this amount, the shipping costs are €9,50.

Shipment of orders to Luxembourg are above € 150,- free of charge.
When sending orders below this amount, the shipping costs are €9,50.

Shipping of orders to France are above € 150,- free of charge.
When sending orders below this amount, the shipping costs are €9,99.

Shipment of orders internationally you will see as soon as the country is selected. You will see the shipping costs directly below the order amount.

3.2 Payment can only be made by using iDEAL, Credit Card, Apple Pay & Paypal. Should you still need our account details: NL08 INGB 0006 2065 18 add: Rush to Mecca B.V. , BIC INGBNL2A.

3.3 Rush to Mecca B.V. ensures that your data is stored securely by using Secure Socket Layers (SSL), an advanced internet security system to protect your data. To guarantee the security of the ordering process, all data – including name, address and credit card – are stored encrypted on a Secure Server. In this way, all credit card and address information is secured in the ordering system. Most browsers support SSL, including Internet Explorer 2.1 or higher, Netscape Navigator 2.0 or higher, AOL 3.0 or higher. If you are not sure that your browser supports SSL, please check the browser data with the Internet Service Provider (ISP).

3.4 In the – unlikely – case of misuse of your credit card number, we kindly ask you to follow the instructions of your own credit card company. We request that you inform Rush to Mecca B.V. as soon as possible by sending an e-mail to feedback@rushtomecca.com. Most credit card companies cover all damages above a certain amount due to misuse of your credit card number.

3.5 If you are in default of any payment, Rush to Mecca B.V. is entitled to suspend or dissolve (the execution of) the relevant agreement and related agreements.

3.6 If the prices for the products and services offered increase in the period between the order and its execution, you are entitled to cancel the order or to dissolve the agreement within ten (10) days of Rush to Mecca B.V. notifying Rush to Mecca B.V. of the price increase.

Article 4. Delivery

4.1 The delivery times given by Rush to Mecca B.V. are only indicative. Exceeding any delivery period does not entitle you to compensation, nor does it entitle you to cancel your order or dissolve the agreement, unless the exceeding of the delivery period is such that you cannot reasonably be required to maintain the agreement. In that case, you are entitled to cancel the order or dissolve the agreement to the extent necessary.

4.2 The delivery of the products takes place on working days at the place and time when the products are ready for shipment to you. The following applies: on working days ordered before 15.00 hours, delivered the next day (only within the Netherlands). For deliveries abroad, we strive to deliver within 48 hours. On Sundays and public holidays, in principle not delivered by our carrier.

Article 5. Retention of title

5.1 Ownership of delivered products will not pass to you until you have paid all amounts owed to Rush to Mecca B.V. under any Agreement. The risk in respect of the products is transferred to you at the time of delivery.

Article 6. Intellectual and industrial property rights

6.1 You must fully and unconditionally respect all intellectual and industrial property rights vested in the products supplied by Rush to Mecca B.V.

6.2 Rush to Mecca B.V. does not guarantee that the products delivered to you do not violate any (unwritten) intellectual and/or industrial property rights of third parties.

Article 7. Complaints and liability

7.1 You have the obligation to check upon delivery whether the products comply with the agreement. If this is not the case, you must notify Rush to Mecca B.V. in writing, stating reasons, as soon as possible and in any case within fourteen (14) days after delivery, at least after observation was reasonably possible.

7.2 If it has been demonstrated that the products do not comply with the agreement, Rush to Mecca B.V. has the option of replacing the products in question with new products or refunding the invoice value.

7.3 If you do not wish to purchase a product for any reason, you have the right to return the product to Rush to Mecca B.V. within fourteen (14) days after delivery. Returns will only be accepted if the product’s packaging is undamaged and the plastic seal on the packaging has not been broken, and you will be responsible for the cost of returning the product. You can return the product to the address below:

Rush to Mecca B.V.
regarding return webshop
Parnassus road 845
1082 LZ Amsterdam

Attention: Always mention your order number on the return shipment.

Article 8. Orders/communication

8.1 Rush to Mecca B.V. shall not be liable for any misunderstandings, mutilation, delays or improper transmission of orders and communications as a result of the use of the Internet or any other means of communication between you and Rush to Mecca B.V., or between Rush to Mecca B.V. and third parties, insofar as they relate to the relationship between you and Rush to Mecca B.V., unless and insofar as there is intent or gross negligence on the part of Rush to Mecca B.V..

Article 9. Force majeure

9.1 Without prejudice to its other rights, Rush to Mecca B.V. has the right, in the event of force majeure, at its own discretion, to suspend the execution of your order or to dissolve the agreement without judicial intervention, by informing you of this in writing and without Rush to Mecca B.V. being obliged to pay any compensation, unless, in the given circumstances, this would be unacceptable according to standards of reasonableness and fairness.

9.2 Force majeure is understood to mean any shortcoming which cannot be attributed to Rush to Mecca B.V. because it is not due to its fault and is not for its account under the law, legal act or generally accepted views.

Article 10. Miscellaneous

10.1 If you provide Rush to Mecca B.V. with an address in writing, Rush to Mecca B.V. shall be entitled to send all orders to that address, unless you provide Rush to Mecca B.V. in writing with another address to which your orders should be sent.

10.2 If Rush to Mecca B.V. is allowed to deviate from these Terms and Conditions for a short or longer period of time, tacitly or otherwise, this shall not affect its right to demand immediate and strict compliance with these Terms and Conditions. Rush to Mecca B.V. will never be able to enforce any rights based on the fact that Rush to Mecca B.V. applies these Terms and Conditions smoothly.

10.3 Should one or more of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions or any other agreement with Rush to Mecca B.V. be in conflict with any applicable legal provision, the provision in question will lapse and will be replaced by a new legally permissible similar provision to be determined by Rush to Mecca B.V.

10.4 Rush to Mecca B.V. is authorised to make use of third parties for the execution of your order(s).

Article 11. Applicable law and competent court

11.1 All rights, obligations, offers, orders and agreements to which these Terms and Conditions apply, as well as these Terms and Conditions, are exclusively governed by Dutch law.

11.2 All disputes between the parties will exclusively be submitted to the competent court in the Netherlands.